
For sites experiencing difficulties accessing the Registration and/or Drug Supply Management systems since the systems migration, we recommend proceeding with the following troubleshooting actions...

Due to a planned migration of UCL's IT systems some of our systems will not be available on the below dates: This affects the Add-Aspirin website, registration and randomisation systems, the Drug Supply Management System and our online unblinding system ...

A recent report has provided further evidence to suggest that individuals who take aspirin following a diagnosis of colorectal (bowel) cancer are less likely to die from their cancer. The study included 2400 individuals with bowel cancer from Australia, Canada and the U.S... 

We have launched a Trainee Programme which will provide specialist trainees who have helped with recruitment to the colorectal and gastro-oesophageal cohorts with a certificate for their training portfolio...

This BBC news headline refers to a new study looking at the side effects of aspirin in people of different ages taking it over a number of years. A rare side effect is internal bleeding. This study confirmed that older people (those over 75) are more likely to experience bleeding and showed that it is more likely to be serious in this age group...